Low or absent sex desire can be secondary (where the individual had previously had sex desire) or primary (where the person has never experienced sexual desire or interest).
Low or lack of sexual desire may also be either situational to the partner (where he/she has interest in other persons, but not toward the partner), or it may be general (where he/she has a lack of sexual interest in anyone)
Lack of sex desire or low sex desire could be due to psychogenic or physical causes.
Psychogenic causes can be from anxiety, dislike of partner, disturbed inter-personal relationship, depression to schizophrenia etc.
At times, communication problems, lack of affection, lack of interest, conflicts, lack of time , insomnia or inadequate sleep may also be a cause for low or lack of sex desire. It may also be associated with a very restrictive upbringing concerning sex, negative attitudes toward sex, or negative or traumatic sexual experiences such as rape, incest, or sexual abuse. Occasionally, the cause may be due to relationship problems wherein one partner does not feel intimate or close to their partner.
Physical causes could be because of various drugs, either allopathic, ayurvedic, homeopathic, unani or deshi jadi-booti to hormonal disturbances, chronic diseases, Physical illnesses which causes fatigue, pain, or general feelings of malaise could also be one of the reason for low or lack of sex desire. Hormone deficiencies may occasionally be implicated. Sexual interest may be inhibited by psychological problems including melancholy and severe stress.
It may also be associated with other sex problems, and sometimes may be caused by them. Men and women who experience difficulties obtaining an erection or delayed ejaculation, for instance, or who are unable to experience an orgasm or discomfort during sexual activity, may become disinterested in having sex because it is often viewed as a failure.
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A healthcare professional will inquire about the following since there are various reasons why sex drive may be declining:
How is low libido treated?
The cause of low libido or low sex drive determines the course of treatment. There are numerous alternatives for treatment.
Dr. Mahesh Nawal is a one of the best sexologist Indore & laser proctologist consultant in Indore with an experience of more than 35 years, Dr. Nawal performed or all type of major surgery including laparoscopic general surgery reconstructive surgery.
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